
I work in the Human Computation Group for Luis von Ahn. I am involved with Games With A PurTerms and Conditionse (GWAP) and reCAPTCHA Inc, which includes:

  • Software Engineer.
  • CFO and Treasurer duties.
  • Creating a game development framework for Java-backed Flex and AJAX games.
  • Developing Verbosity and the revised ESP Game, and assisting development of Flex games.


I am a Ph.D. student in the Machine Learning Department at CMU and a Microsoft Graduate Research Fellow. I got a small project grant from SIGCSE to come up with a series of undergraduate math lectures that inspire interests in Computer Science.


I build systems that combine humans and computers to solve large-scale problems that neither can solve alone. I call this Human Computation, but others sometimes call it Crowdsourcing. Some of my past projects include: CAPTCHA, The ESP Game (acquired by Google), GWAP, and reCAPTCHA (acquired by Google).